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the fastest way to burn fat of your behind, is to simply do running, about 5-6 miles per week should trim off a bit, so if u continue this u should be losing alot of fat in about a month. Also simply going to the gym would burn fatt as well. Expecially cardio workouts.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Breakfast: Greek yogurt, granola, and fresh fruit....Avoid processed foods

Snack: 8oz cup chocolate milk

Dinner: Lightest mea lof the day..Grilled skinless chicken or fish, salad,or soup...

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Eat smaller, healthier meals and drink water.

Note that attempting to reduce fat in just one part of your body at a time is likely to be disappointing. Fat reduction works like this: When you try to lose fat, the reduction occurs all throughout your body. Unlike muscle-building, it cannot be specifically targeted to one region. Also, the reduction in fat will not be quickly apparent because it will not be focused on only one spot on your body. So it's helpful to have a "slowly but surely" attitude. Note that exercises mostly serve to tone the muscle underneath the fat. But if you want to slim down, the fat has to be burned off. For that, the main thing is to ditch the junk food and the sweetened drinks. Exercise alone might not be sufficient.

Here's a program for the period in which you want to lose weight: Plenty of moderate aerobic exercise, no sweetened liquids at all, and no junk food at all. Preferably no sugar, and as little added salt and processed foods as possible. Eat 3 not-large meals/day; do not skip breakfast; and avoid snacks. Limit your calories (better to consult a doctor or nutritionist concerning the amount), and weigh yourself 2-3 times/week. Ignore the sensation of hunger. If you see your weight diminishing at a safe, reasonable rate (1-2 pounds/week), keep it up. Once you've reached your target weight, increase your calorie intake somewhat. And you can then have small amounts of sweetened foods or junk food on occasion (if at all), along with your regular foods (not instead of them). But keep checking your weight 2-3 times/week. Avoid crash diets, diet pills etc. Avoid fatty cuts of meat. Walk as much as possible. Bicycling and swimming are good too.

More guidelines: Don't concentrate on specific foods so much as on a balanced, healthy diet plus exercise. Plenty of moderate exercise rather than intense exercise, which can damage your joints. Good nutrition means eating what your body needs, while ingesting as few harmful things as possible. It has also been described as getting enough of each of the major food categories (grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, etc.; plus plenty of water). This will vary somewhat from one person to another; and I don't believe that there's any universal diet that can be prescribed for everyone. Avoid best-sellers with their perennial fad diets. And think twice before using any dietary supplements or weight-loss pills. In general, one's starting point can be a menu of whole grains, whole-wheat bread, a good amount of vegetables, some fruits and nuts, fish, lean meats (in not-large amounts), and some dairy. However, this must be tweaked according to one's health, weight and other factors at the outset; and also adjusted over time, as one sees what works for him/her in particular.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Targeted weight loss is pretty much impossible except through Liposuction. It's all about diet and exercise, which will make you lose a little fat all over.

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βˆ™ 17y ago

the fastest way is to eat junk food,which is pretty easy.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

by using zumba

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Q: Whats the fastest way to burn butt fat?
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Can you burn stomach fat and gain your butt fat at the sametime?

I think this would be a fat transfer. Something like liposuction.

Why do some butt exercises make your butt smaller rather than big?

Because of the size of that exact muscle! You see, gluteus maximus or rear end muscles are the biggest ones in your body, and the bigger the muscle, the larger calorie burn (or fat-burn). Yes, it says calories! Calories=ass fat!

What is the fastest and best fat-burning diet?

a fat burning diet consists of eating fiber and fresh foods. However the most essential part of it includes light to moderate exercise each day. You don't burn fat unless you burn calories.

What are good exercises to burn thigh butt and stomach fat?

doing bicycles on your back with your feet as close to the floor as you can get without touching it.

Will sit-ups make your butt bigger or smaller?

neither. it strengthens the muscles in your butt. which could mean a smaller butt for fatter people since building muscle lowers fat cells' sizes, and could mean a bigger butt for skinner body types because there is no fat, and the muscle is building.

Whats a good way to burn fat?

This is a simple process to understand, although it may be difficult to actually do. In any day when your physical exertions use up a greater number of calories than the number which you have eaten that day, the result is that you will burn fat.

Does shaken your butt make it fat?

Shaking your butt doesn't make it fatter, in fact it's mild exercise. What shaking your butt does do though, is wobble the fat on your butt. Because I have quite a lot of fat on my buttocks, my butt will wobble a lot more when I shake it than someone with less butt fat.

is my butt fat?


How do you burn thigh fat without losing your butt?

by having constant and consistant sexual intercourse at the end of any phsiycal exersize

The fastest way to burn fat What is the fastest product to get rid of fat and burn it quickly?

this product very good and This includes fresh cinnamon extract… Which comes from organic farms in Sri Lank a Ripe African Mango Along with blooming Rhodiola copy this link to get the best product; :// Which is grown in the frozen mountains of Northern Alaska.

Fastest and healthiest way to lose 10 pounds?

the easiest way to lose 10 pounds is by working out. it sounds stupid, and everyone says it, but try walking or running for at least 10 minutes a day. Squats help alot also. They help burn some belly and leg fat. They can also tone you butt.

If you are born with a big butt is it possible to make it flatter without pills or surgery?

Yes, burn the fat. Do biking, running, swimming, rowing and the like and watch what you eat.