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i dont know, look it up on Google, your bound too find the answer on there

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About 2,974 on average

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Q: Whats the daily calorie consumption in Brazil?
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What is the daily calorie consumption in Kenya?

The daily calorie consumption in Kenya varies, but the average is around 2,200 to 2,400 calories per day for adults. This can fluctuate based on dietary habits, age, gender, and level of physical activity.

How do old women lose weight?

Drink hald your body weight in water everyday, watch calorie consumption and be sure to exercise daily.

Why would an individual use a food calorie list?

Using a food calorie list is going to help you become more aware of your daily calorie intake and help cut down to lose weight or just become a bit more healthy. Its always good to know whats in you.

What is the daily calorie intake in Jamaica?

The daily calorie intake in jamica for woman is 1600, and for men 2100

What might the daily calorie intake be for a man?

The daily calorie intake for a normal healthy man should be 2500 a day.

What are the recommended daily allowances based on a 1500 calorie diet?

What are the recommended daily allowances based on a 1500 calorie diet

Whether you get fat or not if you eat your own semen?

The calorie content of semen is negligible, and consumption of it, even daily, would not be noticeable in one's physique. Since you ejaculated it, you do not gain by eating it, you "break even."

Where can one find tools for learing how to keep track of counting calories?

To keep count of daily calories, Live Strong website is definitely recommended. Live Strong has other additional features, such as the "Calorie Goal Calculator", which requires information base on the age, height, weight and ideal weight loss per week, to calculate the overall daily calorie consumption.

What is the daily calorie intake in China?


What is the average daily calorie intake for a Kenyan?

Around 400 to 900 daily