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Cheerios. Cheerios.

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Q: What was the first ready to eat breakfast cereal that is still in existence today?
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What was the world's first ever ready-to-eat breakfast cereal?

In 1920's the first ceral was called little pops and it is just like rice crispes but not i got to be teachers pet when i found out this.

What was the first ready to eat cereal on the market?

Corn Flakes by Kellogg

What was the ready-to-eat cereal market in 1970?

In 1970, the ready-to-eat cereal market was valued at $659 million

What was the ready-to-eat cereal market in 1979?

In 1979, the ready-to-eat cereal market was valued at $1.9 billion

What was the ready-to-eat cereal market in 1985?

In 1985, the ready-to-eat cereal market was valued at $4.35 billion

Who made the worlds first ready-to-eat cereal company?

James Caleb Jackson produced the first ready bto eat cereal, named, "Granula." It was invented in the mid 1860's. Will Keith Kellogg, however, was the first to really mass produce ready to eat cereal in Battle Creek, Michigan. This was around 1910. More infor of W.K. Kellogg can be found at, Grclark74

What was the first cereal?

i know it was first made in china by putting nuts and fruits in a bowl with milk or water The first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal was produced by Henry Drushel Perky in Denver Colorado in 1893. Perky was a lawyer, businessman, promoter and inventor. His cereal, Shredded Wheat, was first sold locally in Denver and Colorado Springs. Quote from a Wikipedia article about Henry Drushel Perky: 'Although John Harvey Kellogg and Charles William Post are better known, Perky was a pioneer of the "cookless breakfast food" and it was he who first mass produced and nationally distributed ready-to-eat cereal.' The first flaked cereal was Granose Flakes prepared by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg in 1894, Superintendent of the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Michigan, and announced in the February 1895 issue of Food Health. Corn flakes were first introduced in 1898 by Dr. Kellogg's brother William Keith Kellogg and manufactured by the Sanitas Food Co. of Battle Creek. (from The New Shell Book of Firsts). There's a lot more to the Granose Flakes/Corn Flakes story and how/why they were created.

The FDA confirmed that this General Mills cereal once billed as the first ready-to-eat oat cereal can lower the risk of heart disease and allowed it to use that claim in its marketing What is it?


What happened to the cereal breakfast foods industry in the second half of the twentieth century?

The second half of the twentieth century brought rapid increases in brand offerings and growing national interest in ready-to-eat cereals.

How much of the ready-to-eat cereal market was for Post in 1985?

In 1985, Post held a 14 percent share of the total ready-to-eat cereal market

How much of the ready-to-eat cereal market was for Kellogg in 1985?

In 1985, Kellogg held a 40 percent share of the total ready-to-eat cereal market

How much of the ready-to-eat cereal market was for Ralston Purina in 1985?

In 1985, Ralston Purina held a 6 percent share of the total ready-to-eat cereal market