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vitamin a and c

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Q: What vitamins are found in pumpkins?
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What is the 2 enemy of vitamins?

pumpkins and crutons

Is it ok to feed pumpkins to pigs?

Yes, it is safe to feed pumpkins to pigs. Pumpkins are a nutritious food source for pigs and can provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber to their diet. Just make sure to cut the pumpkins into manageable pieces to prevent choking.

What 2 vitamins do pumpkins contain?

Pumpkins contain vitamin A and vitamin C. One cup of pumpkin contains about 700 micrograms of vitamin A which is equal to about 100 percent of the recommended daily allowance.

What vitamins do pumpkins contain?

Vitamin A, Calcium, Lutein, Potassium and small amounts of folate, magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin K; and how much you get depends on how much you eat. :)

Where could pumpkins for decorating be found?

You can buy pumpkins at many local farms in October. Many farmers grow pumpkins for the sole purpose of selling them for Halloween. Or, many grocery stores also sell pumpkins.

What vitamins are found in paw paw?

Vitamins A and C and the B vitamins Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin.

What vitamins found in mungo sprouts?

Vitamins A, B,C and E.

What 3 other colors do pumpkins come in besides orange?

Pumpkins can be found in green (an under-ripe pumpkin) Yellow (more ripe, but still not) And the typical orange.

What food source is vitamin found in?

Vitamins are found in mostly all food sources but, most don't contain all the vitamins.

What vitamins are found mainly in foods that contain fat?

Vitamins A, D, E and K!

Are all vitamins found in food?

No, me and my sisters have to take these tablet things that have loads of vitamins

What vitamins are in the banana bud?

Vitamins A, C, and E are found in the banana bud (flower).