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Q: What vitamin is the nutrient leader in vegetables?
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What nutrient is found in dark yellow and green vegetables?

Vitamin A is the nutrient found in dark yellow and green vegetables. Vitamin A is involved in immune function, vision, reproduction, and cellular communication, and is critical to healthy vision.

Dark yellow and green vegetables are an important source of this nutrient?


What nutrient is most likely to leach from vegetables that are boiled in water?

Water-soluble nutrients like vitamin C and B vitamins are most likely to leach from vegetables when boiled in water. To minimize nutrient loss, using minimal cooking time and consuming the cooking liquid can help retain nutrients.

Do eating fruits and veggies improve your eyesight?

Of course it does. Especially vegetables because it contains vitamin A which in the main nutrient in vegetables and vitamin A is the true key to better vision. Fruits do play a small roll in it but it is mainly known for vitamin C which is good for healing cuts and bruises.

What is the common name for c6h8o6?

The common name for C6H8O6 is ascorbic acid, which is also known as vitamin C. It is an essential nutrient for humans and is found in many fruits and vegetables.

True or false Dandelion leaves are high in vitamin C?

True. Dandelion leaves are high in vitamin C, containing more of this nutrient than most vegetables.

Why do people eat more fruits and vegetables?

Beginning in the 1980s, people began to incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables into their diets as a way to reduce fat and increase vitamin and nutrient intake.

Which nutrient is most easily lost by the process of boiling?

Vitamin C is the nutrient most easily lost by the process of boiling. It is water-soluble and can leach out into the cooking water. To preserve vitamin C, it is recommended to cook vegetables for a shorter time or to use cooking methods that involve less water, such as steaming.

Is Vitamin C birth control?

No, Vitamin C is not a form of birth control. It is a nutrient that helps boost the immune system and is commonly found in fruits and vegetables. It does not have any contraceptive properties.

Is protein a vitamin?

no. It is a nutrient.

What are the main nutrients in orange?

The main nutrient in Oranges is Vitamin C.

Is vitamin c good for an actor?

Vitamin C is a vital nutrient; a deficiency of this vitamin causes a fatal illness called scurvy. Other than that, it has no direct connection to the art of acting. As long as you do eat fresh fruit and/or vegetables on a regular basis, you probably have enough vitamin C in your diet.