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There are extensive amounts of saturated fats and the worst type of fat, trans-fat. May contain acrylamide, that may or may not lead to cancer. It can make your digestive system very poor functioned.

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Q: What types of fat is there in potato chips?
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Why are low-fat potato chips different from regular potato chips?

Low-fat potato chips are made with less fat compared to regular potato chips, typically by using different methods of cooking or using alternative ingredients. This results in a lower overall calorie content and fat content in the low-fat version. However, low-fat potato chips may sacrifice some flavor or texture compared to regular potato chips.

Do potato chips contain animal fat?

Potato chips make you fat easily because it is deep fried in fat. One bag of medium sized potato chips has 290 calories and about 160 calories from fat. So, yes, potato chips do makes you fat if you consume quite often in your diet.

Do potatoes make you fat?

Potato chips make you fat easily because it is deep fried in fat. One bag of medium sized potato chips has 290 calories and about 160 calories from fat. So, yes, potato chips do makes you fat if you consume quite often in your diet.

How many brands of potato chips are there in the world?

There are twenty six different types of potato chips in the world.

What happens if you burn a potato chip?

It burns. Potato chips have high fat content.

Why is eating potato chips bad for you?

Well, potato chips are deep fried in fat and oil that can cause weight gain and obesity if eaten too much. Once you eat potato chips the first time, you will get addicted and you will want to eat more and more, which will make you fat. In other cases, potato chips consuming has lead to fevers and sore throats.

How much fat is in potato chips?

On average, potato chips contain about 10-15 grams of fat per serving (around 1 ounce or 28 grams). However, this can vary depending on the brand and type of chips. It's important to check the nutrition label for specific information on the fat content of a particular product.

What snack has the most fat apple or potato chips?


Where do chips contain fat?

chips that are not dry or roasted such as apple chips, banana chips, are fried in oil. potato chips are potato shavings that are fried in oil to give them that crunchy texture and delicious flavor. all the fat is held in the oil which is absorbed by the potato. if you look on a chip package sometimes it will say baked chips, or roasted. then it would not have been fried in oil. go to for the fat and nutritional contents of any food you can think of ;-)

What are the 2 common types of chips?

Silicon and potato !

How much potato chips American eat in a day?

well i think that American eats about 10 pounds of potato chips because they like to get fat

What will happen if you eat to many potato chips?

u will get really fat