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It is best to set realistic goals.

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Q: What type of weight or fat loss or gain goals is best to set?
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Tenex is a blood pressure medicine and has not been shown to cause weight loss. Just the opposite, it has been known to cause weight gain.

Can listening to weight loss tapes help me achieve my weight loss goals?

While they may help with your motivation, they will not assist in any way to actually help with weight loss. Diet and exercise are the best and most effective way to lose weight.

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What exactly are weight loss goals?

Weight loss goals are goals a person sets for themselves in order to achieve their ideal weight. Goals can be set by setting a weekly or daily calorie count or exercise time goal for the week. Weigh loss goals can be achieved by keeping journals, blog post for support or by strong commitment to to your goal.

What are the best weight loss goals?

1 to 2 pounds a weeks is a healthy rate to lose weight. The first few weeks will certainly be much faster, as much as 5 pounds or so. But you didn't gain all the weight in a few weeks, so don't expect to lose it in a few weeks.

Does thyroid problems can cause weight gain or loss and fatigue?

An over active thyroid can cause weight loss an underactive thyroid can cause weight gain

What is the best way to kick start weight loss?

The best way to kick start weight loss is to set reasonable goals with a few easy milestones in the beginning. Losing weight rapidly in the beginning only sets yourself up for failure. Starting slowly and steadily is the best strategy.

Is the Biggest Loser Club for weight loss?

Yes, the Biggest Loser Club is an online resource for weight loss assistance. Once you sign up and pay the required fees, you can gain access to diet plans and exercise goals based on your weight and height. You can also seek advice and support for your weight loss from other club members within the online forum.

Does gastritis cause weight gain or loss?

weight gain -- bloating and distended abdomen from production of stomach acide

What Is U Weight Loss?

The subject of weight loss involves many programs and diet suggestions. It's hard to know which one will work for you. Everyone has different metabolism rates and weight loss goals. U weight loss clinics have professionals with experience customizing programs that suit your weight loss needs. Professionals will obtain your history information regarding your lifestyle, eating habits and weight loss goals. With this information a program will be developed that will help you achieve your weight loss goals. Whether you need to lose a few pounds or hundreds of pounds, weight loss professionals will support you and be there for you every step of the way.

Is it common to gain weight about halfway through a weight loss program?

Yes, most people when going through a program hit a plateau point in which the weight loss stops for a period of time. You may see weight gain, or no gain at all. It all depends on you.