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aerobic exercise will work better than anaerobic, but there is no way to control where you lose the weight.

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Q: What type of exercise will make you lose weight fast but not your butt or breast?
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If you mean "weight", eat less calories and exercise.

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Eat healthy and exercise.

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Doctors and Nutritionist are against the Liquid Diet because it is a crash diet that does not help you continue to loose weight it makes it happen fast without exercise which is bad for your health.

You want a big butt how can you do it fast?

eat alot but not junk food but make sure you exercise your abs cause you will have the same problem i have

How do you lose weight fast when you are a kid?

exercise and eat healthier foods. and less food

What is a good thing to do to lose weight fast and easy?

Diet and exercise are the only things that will drop the weight, and keep it off.

How do you lose weight fast if you're 17 years old and weigh 58kg?

There is no fast safe way of loosing weight. Just do it the generic way. Exercise and eat healthy.

How does diet compare with exercise as a fast way to lose weight?

Honestly? They go hand in hand; if you want to lose weight, the fastest way is to do both; watch what you eat and increase your exercise.