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Q: What the step of adding back nutrients to foods that are removed by refining process?
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The process of adding nutrients to food is called?


What is removed in oxidation?

Oxidation is the process of adding oxygen or taking away hydrogen.

What does fortification in food mean?

The vitamins and minerals are added to replace the original vitamins and minerals that were lost during the refining process...

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Rephosphorylation refers to the process of adding phosphate groups back onto a compound after they have been removed. This process is important in cellular signaling and energy production pathways.

What element is removed from ores when they are reduced?

The element that is removed from ores during the reduction process is oxygen. This reduction process involves adding a reducing agent, such as carbon or carbon monoxide, to react with the oxygen in the ore to form carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide gas, leaving behind the metal in its pure form.

The addition of nutrients to a food adding nutrients that were lost during processing so that the food will meet a specified standard?


What can people do to improve soil lacking nutrients?

People can improve soil lacking nutrients by adding a little more water, air, and sunlight.

Definition of amendment process?

The process of changing or adding to the US Constitution.

Is water soft?

Soft Water is water that has had all the ions such as sodium and calcium and magnesium, lead and copper removed from it due to filtration and sedementation process. (also the adding of lime water) hope that helps!

What will happen if a farmer only plants and harvests crops of cotton for seven years without adding fertilizers or other nutrients to the soil?

draining of nutrients from the soil

How do you retain nutrients without added salt or fat?

Adding other preservation agents for foods.

Is producers the most important organism for adding nutrients to the soil?

i think it menas something importante