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Q: What should vegans eat every day?
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Related questions

When should you eat fruits?

You should eat them every day. It is recommended that you eat them 5 times a day.

Are tigers vegans?

Goodness, no. They eat 65 pounds of meat a day.

Do vegans eat tuna?

Vegans don't eat any fish.

Do vegans eat guaya paste?

Yes, vegans eat guaya paste.

What do vegans eat with meat in?

vegans do not eat no meat because it comes from an animal

Do vegans only eat organic products?

Yes. Some vegans do eat non-organic food. The main concern of vegans is that they do not eat any animal by-products, such as meat, eggs, dairy, etc.

What do vegans eat on Thanksgiving Day?

For vegan Thanksgiving recipes, click on the links below -

Can vegans eat Terry's chocolate orange?

well vegans can eat fruit but chocolate has milk so no

How much paper should a guinea pig eat a day?

Guinea pigs shuoldnt eat paper! they eat hay every day.

Can vegetararian's eat cheddar cheese?

Yes they can, Vegans cannot since vegans do not even eat animal bi-porducts

How many Oranges should I eat a day?

3 a day is a perfect amount of oranges to have every day!

Why should you not eat on a desert?

There is no reason why a person should not eat in a desert. Millions of people around the world eat in the desert every day.