The Nutrient That Doesn't supply calories to the human body is the water.......
On average, 2000 calories per day.
The most abundant source of calories in the human body is glycogen, which is stored in the liver and muscles, while the least expensive source of calories is body fat, which is used as a reserve energy source.
The body does not "lose" calories, per say. Instead, it uses them. Calories are what provides the body with energy. This energy is what allows things like our heart to beat, for our muscles to move, and to give us the energy to do things like walk and play sports. By doing activities, the body requires energy to do so and it uses the calories stored in our body (first it uses those stored in the liver, which are from what we recently ate / drank, then it moves to energy stored in fat cells around the body).
Only if you die. Calories are converted into energy. The human body wouldn't survive with 0 calories in it.
Fat insulates the body and provides warmth.
Yes. There is no difference between the calories in fruit and in other foods. Most calories in fruits come from Sugars.