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Q: What plays an important role in keeping the levels of glucose in the bloodstream under control?
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Is version control important when doing a project?

Version control is very important when doing a project. It is important because it allows record-keeping and performing analysis for legal purposes.

How does glucose help to recover the patient explain with diagram?

Glucose can help patient recover from hypoglycemia or being hypoglycemic. Glucose used to produce energy. Glucose can help patients recover, particularly those with diabetes, as it is a simple sugar and one of the most basic carbohydrates. Giving patients glucose will allow sugar and carbohydrate levels to return to normal in a fast and effective manner there by saving patient’s life . Glucose is widely used in all organisms to produce energy and to carry out glycolysis. All parts of the body (muscles, brain, heart, and liver) need energy to work. This energy comes from the food we eat. Our bodies digest the food we eat by mixing it with fluids (acids and enzymes) in the stomach. When the stomach digests food, the carbohydrate (sugars and starches) in the food breaks down into another type of sugar, called glucose. The stomach and small intestines absorb the glucose and then release it into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, glucose can be used immediately for energy or stored in our bodies, to be used later. However, our bodies need insulin in order to use or store glucose for energy. Without insulin, glucose stays in the bloodstream, keeping blood sugar levels high.

What are the goals of diabetes treatment?

keeping blood glucose within normal range and preventing the development of long-term complications. Careful monitoring of diet, exercise, and blood glucose levels are as important as the use of insulin or oral medications in preventing complications

What was important to Spartans?

Keeping control of their territory and its serf population, having a family, maintaining fitness and warfighting skills and religious observance.

What was important to the Spartans?

Keeping control of their territory and its serf population, having a family, maintaining fitness and warfighting skills and religious observance.

What is the maintence of homeostasis?

it is the maintenance of the internal environment of the body like keeping the blood glucose level constant or keeping the body temperature constant

Why to control cost and budget?

It is important to control cost and budget that a business is able to stay open and profitable over a length of time. Keeping costs down and profits high is essential for the longevity of a business.

When checking your sugar levels what is good?

Blood glucose monitoring is the main tool you have to check your diabetes control. This check tells you your blood glucose level at any one time. Keeping a log of your results is vital. When you bring this record to your health care provider, you have a good picture of your body's response to your diabetes care plan.

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Basil likes keeping the things important to him in secret, making them more precious. Dorian also does kind of that with his picture.

Is diet control an effective treatment of diabetes?

Diet control is a very important regulatory measure in keeping your diabetes under control. While there is no cure for diabetes, there are many ways that one can learn to live a fairly normal life even with severe cases. What you put into your body is always an important issue to consider. Having diabetes however, makes diet control an essential tool in securing your health.

How sargon and Hammurabi keep control of large empires?

Keeping the army ready is a most thing. Also spies played an important part and the people surrounding the nation and the guards.

How did sargon and Hammurabi keep control of large empire?

Keeping the army ready is a most thing. Also spies played an important part and the people surrounding the nation and the guards.