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Q: What part of the food pyramid are baked beans?
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What part of the food pyramid is eggs in?

Eggs are in what is normally called the "meat and beans" group. This group also includes other food like eggs and nuts. Check out the site in the related links!

What is a food pyramid?

AnswerThe food pyramid tells people the proper amount of what type of thing to eat. They are Grains, Vegetables, Meat And Beans, Fruit, and Milk. The bigger the area for each catgory, the more of it you should eat. The steps on the food pyramid remind you that you also need to excericise. For a good picture of a food pyramid, go to the website in the Related Links. Then click on which part you want to know about. It will give a basic description of each.

What is food pyramid?

AnswerThe food pyramid tells people the proper amount of what type of thing to eat. They are Grains, Vegetables, Meat And Beans, Fruit, and Milk. The bigger the area for each catgory, the more of it you should eat. The steps on the food pyramid remind you that you also need to excericise. For a good picture of a food pyramid, go to the website in the Related Links. Then click on which part you want to know about. It will give a basic description of each.

What five major food groups is your Plate divided into?

The food guide pyramid contains 5 categories: grains vegetables fruits meats milk and beans Some pyramids may contain a cateogry for sweets/fats, but those are only to be used sparingly and aren't necessarily a part of the food pyramid. However, the Food and Drug Administration no longer used food guide pyramid and has replaced it with a plate icon.

What food is avocado in on the food pyramid?

The avocado is considered a fruit, therefore part of the "fruit" section of the USDA Food Pyramid.

Who created the new food pyramid?

The new food pyramid was released by the U.S. department of agriculture. Exercise was added as a part of the new pyramid.

What food group are black beans?

Technically, beans are a vegetable. However, many beans provide nutritional benefits similar to meat. For this reason, dry beans and peas are part of both the Meat/Poultry and Vegetable groups, according to the food pyramid maintained by the US Government site See the Related Links section for more details.

What is the pH scale for a baked bean?

The 'dry solid' part (fibres, 'flesh', skin, undissolved carbohydrates like (hemi)cellulose etc.) of baked beans does not have a pH value, so there are no acidic or alkaline properties. The 'juice' which comes with baked beans could have a pH value of about neutral (~7.0)

What part of the food pyramid is tofu?

tofu is a protein

What part of the food pyramid is the coconut in?

fruit and veg

Are potatoes part of the food pyramid?

In a cook book I read it said it had salts/fat and are in a separate part in the pyramid. I'm not completely sure if that's what it said. It's something like that. Yes Potatoes are part of food pyramid as these are the product of plants (known as Producers).

What is the significance of the shape of the food pyramid?

The food pyramid is designed to help you better understand what you should eat everyday. It's shape is no accident. The old food pyramid used its shape to represent the amount of each group you should include in your diet. The bottom and middle of the pyramid, the largest part of the pyramid, represents the largest part of your diet. The top and smallest part of the pyramid, represents the nutrients that should be eaten conservatively. The new food pyramid still uses a pyramid shape, but instead uses the pyramid to represent the importance of physical activity. This new pyramid depicts a person walking up stairs to the top of the pyramid, depicting regular exercise.