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The Cell Membrane is the part of the cell that makes lipids and carbohydrates. It transports these parts, as well.

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Q: What part of the cell makes and transports lipids and carbohydrates?
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What transports lipids around the cell?

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

What are the 4 main categories of macromolecules in a cell?

The four main categories of macromolecules in a cell are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Each of these macromolecules plays a crucial role in the structure, function, and regulation of cells.

What does the Smooth ER of a cell do?

It synthesizes the lipids and carbohydrates.

Site of transport of lipids and carbohydrates?

The endoplasmic reticulum is the site of transport for lipids and carbohydrates. Here, they are synthesized and transported to other parts of the cell.

What are the four organelles of the cell?

proteins,lipids,carbohydrates& nucleic acids

What are the 4 cell organelles and what do they do?

Nucleus - houses the cell's genetic material and controls cell activities. Mitochondria - produce energy (ATP) through cellular respiration. Golgi apparatus - processes, packages, and transports proteins and lipids. Endoplasmic reticulum - involved in protein and lipid synthesis and transport within the cell.

Which compounds store energy and make up most of the cell membrane lipids proteins carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are compounds that store energy within the cell. Lipids form the majority of the cell membrane, providing structure and serving as a barrier to the external environment. Proteins are essential for various cellular functions and make up a significant portion of the cell's structure and machinery.

Cell organelle that breaks down lipids and carbohydrates and releases engery?

the ribosome.. :)

What adds carbohydrates and lipids to proteins in a cell?

The Golgi Apparatus :D

Is the cell membrane a complex combination of carbohydrates and lipids?

Yes, if you add proteins to the list.

Where are the lipids made in the cell?

The smooth ER makes lipids.

What cell package materials from the . and send them to other parts of cell?

Golgi bodies involve in packaging.It converts proteins and lipids into glycoproteins and glycolipids and transports.