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Little Boy Blue , come blow your horn The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn,
But where is the boy who looks after the sheep?
He's under the haystack fast asleep.

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Q: What nursery rhyme character was warned the cow was in the corn?
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Where is the little boy blue that looks after the sheep?

Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn. The Sheep's in the meadow, the Cow's in the corn. Where's the little boy who looks after the Sheep? He's under the haystack, fast asleep.

What rhymes with corn and means fish do this when they lay eggs?

It doesn't quite rhyme with "corn". The word you are looking for is spawn.

Where is the little boy blue?

: Little boy blue, come blow your horn : The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn : Where is that boy who looks after the sheep? : Under the haystack fast asleep : Will you wake him? Oh no, not I : For if I do he will surely cry

What rhymes with kettle corn?

The following words rhyme with "Kettle":fettlemetalmettlenettlepetalsettleThe following words rhyme with "corn":acornadornairbornebasebornbighornblackthornbornbornebuckthornbullhorncareworndearborndehornfirstbornfoghornforborneforeswornforewarnforlornforswornforwornfreeborngreenhornhawthornhawthornehighbornhorninborninkhornleghornlonghornlornlovelornlowbornmornmournnewbornoutwornpopcornpornpronghornrebornscornseaborneshoehornshopwornshornshorthornsoilbornestillbornsubornswornthorntimeworntinhorntorntricorntwinbornunbornunshornunswornunwornwarnwaywornwell-wornwellbornwornCombine any pair of words from these two sets to create a rhyming phrase. For example: metal horn, fettle acorn or petal thorn.

What foods rhyme with corn?

Brawn, popcorn, Quorn (vegetarian brand-name).

What is a word that fish do when they lay eggs that rhyme with corn?

The answer is spawn

What is the 1 crop grown in Ohio?

Ohio's top agricultural commodities in terms of dollar value are:SoybeansCornDairy productsGreenhouse and nursery productsHogs.

What rhymes with for born?

Things that rhyme with born include: Adorn Corn Horn Mourn Porn Sworn Torn Worn

Why is corn belong to agronomic crops?

Because corn (maize) is commonly grown as a field crop as opposed to a horticultural crop which is grown in an orchard, nursery, or greenhouse. This distinction is gradually disappearing, though.

What rhymes with mourned?

Born, corn, horn, forlorn, scorn, torn, worn.

What foods rhyme with the word rob?

Cob - as in corn on the cob. Dob - is in a dob of butter. Pod - as in a pod of peas