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Q: What mineral supplement should be taken in divided doses to maximize absorption by the body?
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What is the best calcium supplement to take?

The best Calcium Supplement to take is the MX Calcium Complex. Through this supplement you can get the best calcium absorption and mineral complex to help your bones get the support that they deserve. MX Calcium Complex is like an insurance policy for your bone health, helping ward off debilitating diseases.

What is the best form of mineral supplement for absorption?

This may depend on the specific mineral you are trying to absorb, but I have read that, in general, Amino Acid Chelates are better absorbed (hopefully the right place in your body) than other forms.Other types (elemental, ionic, colloidal, etc) have not been shown to be as effective. (Elemental may be under 10% absorption.) They are definitely more common and cheaper.

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Which mineral helps with the absorption of calcium and magnesium?

Vitamin D3

What is the meaning of gastric bypass vitamins?

When a person has gastric bypass surgery they lose part of the intestine that aids in vitamin and mineral absorption so they may have to take a vitamin supplement.

What mineral's absorption is en-chanced greatly by vitamin C?


What mineral can interfere with copper absorption and can lead to copper deficiency?

Zinc is a mineral that can interfere with copper absorption when consumed in excess. High levels of zinc can compete with copper for absorption in the intestines, leading to a copper deficiency over time. It is important to maintain a balance between zinc and copper intake to avoid potential deficiencies.

What are two main factors that affect the absorption of a mineral?

Two main factors that affect the absorption of a mineral are the presence of other nutrients or substances that can enhance or inhibit absorption, and the health and integrity of the digestive system, including factors such as pH levels, enzyme activity, and gut health.

What is Klor-Con for?

Klor-con M20 is potassium chloride. It is a mineral supplement.

What is KLOR CON for?

Klor-con M20 is potassium chloride. It is a mineral supplement.

What is magnesium chelate?

Magnesium chelate refers to a type of magnesium supplement where the mineral is bound to an amino acid for better absorption in the body. This form of magnesium is often used to help support various bodily functions, such as muscle and nerve function, energy production, and bone health.

When selecting a vitamin mineral supplement choose one in which the nutrient levels are?

at very close to RDA