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Increase Y chromosome sperm? Can't happen, ONE X and ONE Y chromosome in each

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Pedro Mitchell

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2y ago
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Q: What men should eat to increase Y sperm?
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What happen if men eat his own sperm?

It is digested in the stomach. It does not contain anything harmful, if the person who it came from is disease free.

How do you increase your chances of having a girl?

girls are actually easier to conceive than boys. girl sperm are generally stronger. sperm counts lessen in men with heat, so tight underwear for men, position; woman on top,

Which organ ensures the survival of the sperm?

In men, the testicles produce sperm as well as testosterone. These organs are very sensitive and should be protected to ensure healthy sperm production.

Is Vodka reduces sperm count?

Excessive consumption of vodka or any other alcoholic drink can reduce sperm count. This happens because alcohol can increase the level of estrogen in men.

Are men born with a certain amount or do sperm just keep increasing and the man's count go up My husband has a low sperm count?

Men produce sperm all the time in their testes. If these are not ejaculated, they get reabsorbed after a time so good sperm should always be "ready". A low sperm count means that, as compared to other men of his age, your husband does not seem to be making as many sperm in his testes as these other men. When he ejaculates, the seamen he produces does not contain as many sperm as it should. This could affect his ability to father children. If you and your husband are wanting children you should both go and see a specialist Doctor together and investigate the problem further.

How do you increase week men sperms?

eating peanuts is a good way of increasing one's sperm production

What will happen if men eat mans sperms?

Nothing will happen if the man providing the sperm is completely healthy. Some STD's can be transmitted via the semen, the fluid that carries sperm.

Do black men have thicker sperm than white men?

No, the semen and sperm is the same for all men. What can change it is your diet.

Why some men cannot make children?

AS LONG AS A MAN can achieve an erection and ejaculation, the most probable cause would be sterility (no sprem count) or low sperm count. He should get tested to see if his sperm count is just low. There are steps he can take to increase his count. But if he is sterile, not much can be done. <<<ADR>>>

Is eating of man sperm during sucking is good for health?

it's a bit of a weird question you have asked quite disgusting too. but yes men can eat sperm women do and it doesn't really effect them so it is safe for men and before you ask this question men can have sex with men.

Can men sperm get female dogs pregnant?

Ew. And no. I assume by 'men sperm' you mean human ejaculate. That is disgusting.

Do men produce infinite sperm?

No, men do not produce infinite sperm. Sperm production in men is a continuous process, but it is not unlimited. Sperm is constantly being produced in the testes through a process called spermatogenesis, where sperm cells mature and are released into the semen. However, there is a limit to the amount of sperm that can be produced by the body at any given time.