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Well, triglycerides are a type of sugar. You usually can get really high triglyceride levels if you intake too much sugars. Like, if you eat lots of white rice, you can have really high levels of triglycerides.

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Q: What kind of diets are there that help with triglycerides levels?
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What does it mean to have high triglycerides?

Triglycerides are a kind of fat found in your blood, that your body uses for energy. You need triglycerides to be healthy, but having too much can cause Heart disease. High triglycerides generally doesn't have symptoms, but if it is caused by a genetic condition, you may see xanthomases.

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Where kind I find a list of foods that are great tasting for people on a hypoglycemic diet?

Lists of food that are great tasting and for hypoglycemic dieters are on WebMD, Healthy Eating, Mayo Clinic, Health Diets, Hypoglycemic Diets, and Diet Help.

What kind of foods should you stop eating to lower your triglycerides?

Triglycerides are in all food that has oil or fat in it. Having too many triglycerides in your blood stream can put you at risk for hypertension, stroke, heart attack, or heart disease. If you want to avoid triglycerides, try steering clear of fried food and animal products.

What kind of diet can reduce excess levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides?

a variety of foods that are low in fat and cholesterol and high in fiber; plenty of fruits and vegetables; and limited sodium. Fat should comprise no more than 30%, and saturated fat no more than 8-10%

Benefits of Low Cholesterol Diets?

It's a big misconception that low cholesterol diets are only for people that have issues with their cholesterol levels. However, this is patently false and everyone can stand to gain something from this kind of diet. Low cholesterol diets have been shown to drastically lower your possible chances of suffering from heart disease and a host of other different heart related diseases that come about due to high cholesterol levels. Not only are low cholesterol diets better for your health, but they are often comprised of foods that are much less expensive than their less healthy counterparts at the store.

What are triglycerides and what kind of fatty acid is this?

Triglycerides are a type of fatty acid that aid in the bodily processes of the liver. They are composed of one glycerol and three fatty acids, hence the name, tri-glycerides.

What kind of food should one be eat for the low cholesterol diets?

The best diet that can implemented to reduce the cholesterol levels are like Oatmeal, Fish, Almonds, Walnuts, Olive Oil and foods with added plant sterols or stanols.

Best low fat diets that dont require running?

There are not that many low fat diets that require runnning. Most diets do, however, require some sort of obligation to an exercise routine. It doesn't usually matter what kind.

What kind of diet do I need for fibromyalgia?

Raw vegetables and fruits are the best source of antioxidants and phytochemicals which help boost the immune system. Carrot juice and fuit juices are very helpful. High protein diets with less fat diets like lean meat such as chicken, and fish are useful to reduce fibromyalgia.

Why animals differ in the kind of food they eat?

They have different diets and by classifying it,it can be more organized. :):)