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Tray service is where one enters a cafeteria service type line, grabs a tray and slides it along a low rail or counter selecting different foods on a display line. The tray line usually ends conveniently at the cashier station. This type of service is common in cafeterias, schools, hospitals, ski resorts, etc.

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Q: What is tray service in food and nutrition?
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The Food and Nutrition Service is an agency of the US Department of Agriculture.

What is the food and nutrition service part of?

The Food and Nutrition Service is an agency of the US Department of Agriculture.

What is the The Food and Nutrition Service part of?

The Food and Nutrition Service is an agency of the US Department of Agriculture.

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Carol A. Hodges has written: 'Culinary nutrition for food service professionals' -- subject(s): Food service, Food service employees, Nutrition

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The Food and Nutrition Service is an agency of the US Department of Agriculture.

Meaning of tray service?

is a service where in the food are served in a row of tray in a long table and attendants or guests help themselves whatever size of portion they want

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what would do if a service tray is not available

What would you do if service tray is not available during service?

If service tray is not available during service than i may choose to take one dish at a time for serving food on the table instead of taking 3 or 4 dishes all at once so that food doesn't spill over accidentally on to the floor or table

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supply tray is used in served for food and other food

Another word for serving tray is?

a dutch serving tray is used for serving food