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Q: What is trans fat made up of?
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What is true of trans fat?

Made through the process of hydrogenation

What is the unhealthiest type of fat?

fat made from fat in fatty foods witch make you fat and fat is not good

Are made when manufacturers add hydrogen to vegetable oil in a process called hydrogenation.?

Trans fats

How are trans fats formed?

Trans fats are made when manufactures add hydrogen to the fat molecules in vegetable oils.

What is a fact on trans fat?

trans fat is not good for your body it can be bad for you and it is hard to lose trans fat off of your body so try to stay away with stuff that has (Trans Fat in it) bad for you take my advice.

Are trans fatty acid routinely made by the human body?

Trans fat is the common name for unsaturatedfatwith transisomer fatty acid.

Does pizza contain trans fat?

Trans fats are unsaturated fats which have have same/simlar stucture to saturated fats therefore act as saturated fats. Trans fats are present in foods which contain vegetable fat which has been hydrograted partly to me soild. Pizzas can contain trans fats due to how the fat in the pizza base is made or trans fats naturally found in cheese. Trans fat levels should not go over 2g per person per day therefore having some trans fats is not too bad however you should limit the amount of trans fat you from.

Which fat is the worst?

trans fat

What is the worst fat for your body?

trans fat

What fat will keep you the longest?

Trans Fat

What is transfats?

The term trans fat generally refers to a fat that contains one or more trans fatty acid groups.fers to a fat that contains one or more trans fatty acid groups

Does mountain dew have trans fat?

yes it does. and it has stuff in it that helps child's Chloe's not to get burned up