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fat from meat it can stick to your arteries and to your heart and give you Heart disease which kills you

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Q: What is the worst fat you can get?
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Is saturated fat the worst for you?

saturated fat is the worst for. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Which fat is the worst?

trans fat

What is the worst fat for your body?

trans fat

What is the unhealthiest type of fat?

fat made from fat in fatty foods witch make you fat and fat is not good

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World's Worst Tenants - 2012 Trim the Fat was released on: USA: June 2012

What is the worst place on your body to store fat?

A fat neck is an indication of bad health.

What is a very unhealthy fat found in fast foods?

The worst is called "Trans fat"

What is the worst fast food to eat?

it is the worst because it has to much Greece and to much fat YUCK!

What fat is the worst?

Anything that comes from a pig or cow.

What is the worst thing sugar can do to you?

For me, it'll be making me fat.

Is honey good for burning fat?

Honey is pure sugar. Sugar is about the worst for burning fat.

How can you tell the healthy type of fat?

Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are the "good" fats, whereas saturated fat is a bad fat, and trans fat is the worst fat