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Q: What is the term used to describe the intake of vitamins and minerals that is 10 times the recommended amount?
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What is the GDA of vitamins and minerals?

The GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) for vitamins and minerals can vary depending on age, gender, and other factors. It is important to check with a healthcare provider or nutritionist to determine the specific recommended daily intake for your individual needs.

How can you reduce the risk of heart disease?

Exercise regularly, don't eat fatty foods, and get your daily recommended amount of vitamins and minerals.

What food provides bees with minerals?

There can be a very small amount of minerals and vitamins (mainly vitamins B and C) in nectar, but this is mainly carbohydrate. Bees also eat pollen, which provides them with protein, lipids, and other vitamins and minerals.

What is the percent of vitamins and minerals in different foods?

Vitamins alone do not make up a percentage of oneâ??s diet. Instead, there is a certain amount of vitamins and minerals that one requires daily. Researching the Recommended Dietary Allowance, or RDA, gives more insight into the total amount of vitamins suggested for oneâ??s diet.

What amount of carbohydrates fats proteins vitamins minerals needed by youth?

I love girls

What does cauliflower contain in it?

Many vitamins and minerals including a high amount of vitamin C

Which nutrients do not need to be digested?


What if you take two prenatal vitamins in one day?

If this is a one time occurance, there is no need to worry. You would not want to do this on a regular basis, as overdosing on certain vitamins and minerals is no recommended. Many vitamins can be taken in larger doses than the recommended amount given on the bottle. Vitamin C, for example, can usually be taken in 2500 mg doses, as most people are deficient. Nevertheless, in the case of a prenatal, don't overdose. If you think you need extra vitamins or minerals, get them from whole foods, or consult an ND.

What is nutritional health?

Nutritional health is eating the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

What are the ingredients in sustagen sport?

A mug of sustagen will provide about a third of all essential vitamins and minerals (daily recommended quota). 1 serving provides 29% of your recommended daily protein, and 11% in calories/kj. For the price, the protein level is appalling ( 1.5 eggs provides the same...or couple of glasses of milk...or a big chunk of cheese ). I think the amount of minerals/vitamins in it covers quite a lot of ground (good for the body, muscle,tissue,skin..etc).

How do you take care of the skeletal system?

having a healthy lifestyle (good amount of sleep, vitamins, healthy foods, milk, exercise) get plenty of calcium, vitamins, and minerals

Which foods contain what?

Most fruits and vegetables contain little to no fat. They are also high in fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and provitamins. Some also contain antioxidants. Meats can provide amino acids, protein, calcium, iron, vitamins, and enzymes. Poultry contains protein, calcium, potassium, and carbohydrates. Rice and rice noodles contain protein and some (but not all) amino acids. Pasta contains mainly carbohydrates, a small amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Breads contain carbohydrates, a small amount of fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins. Dairy products contain calcium, fats, carbohydrates, and protein.