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Salt or salt tablets.

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Q: What is the healthiest thing to eat to satisfy a salt craving?
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What is the healthiest type of salt?

table salt i think

Does salt make you stop craving cigarettes?

yes, if you are craving a cigarette, and you can not have one. eat some salty popcorn, it will make the feeling go away. :] ..its not just the effect of eating, its the salt.!!..

Why are you craving salt after being sick?

Most likely due to dehydration

Which salt is healthier processed salt or natural salt?

The healthiest salt is the processed and iodized sodium chloride; don't believe in the fantasies of ridiculous so called "nutritionists" !

What is the healthiest out of a Pickle and a Asparagus?

Asparagus, because pickle contains salt which is not good for health.

Reasons for salt cravings?

Sometimes people just have a "salt tooth". Other times the craving can be an indication of low blood pressure and your body is trying to boost up the salt intake. Low sodium levels in the blood can cause that type of craving. Sometimes it is cause by an uncommon malady. See your physician for help.

Why are you thirsty n craving salt all the time?

Those are possible symptoms of diabetes. See a doctor for an evaluation.

How do you stop craving a drink of water all the time have low salt suffer from hyponatremia need lower water intake?

Water is healthy for you, so there is really no reason to want to stop drinking it. If you wanted to stop craving it, i would eat less things that make you thirsty, like salt.

Why do you crave lemon with salt?

I just don't have an answer..hope someone else does...and no, I am not expecting! I have to have lemons at least every day with lots of salt, after the juicing then eating the whole insides, and sometimes I need another one to finich the craving...anyone have an ideal as to why? Thanks!

What does it mean when I am craving salt while pregnant?

That your body is using up salt for the ickle baby and needs more. EAT SALT OR YOU'LL KILL YOUR OWN CHILD! You won't, but he or she (the ickle wee angel) may need the vitamins.

Do caribou like salt Why?

Yes, like all ungulates caribou love their salt. Much of what they eat is deprived of sodium, thus they develop a craving for salt (such as table salt, which contains sodium, and from which most livestock salt-blocks and salt-mineral mixtures contain) which can only be satisfied if they find a salt deposit were they can satiate their cravings.

Do Wild horses like salt?

Yes, wild horses do have a natural craving for salt, as it is a necessary mineral for their diet. They will seek out salt licks or mineral deposits in their environment to satisfy this need. Providing salt supplements for wild horses in controlled amounts can help ensure they receive adequate nutrition.