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Q: What is the french for milk?
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Is the word milk in french masculine or feminine?

Le lait is milk in French. It is masculine.

In french is milk masculine or feminine?

In French, "milk" is masculine and is referred to as "le lait."

How you say milk in french?

the milk = le lait

How can I froth milk using a French press?

To froth milk using a French press, heat the milk until it is warm but not boiling. Pour the warm milk into the French press and pump the plunger up and down rapidly for about 30 seconds until the milk becomes frothy. Be careful not to overfill the French press to avoid spills.

How do you spell milk shake in french?

'Milk shake' is spelled the same in France. French use the English term.

How can I use a French press to froth milk for my coffee?

To froth milk using a French press, heat the milk until warm but not boiling. Pour the warm milk into the French press and pump the plunger up and down rapidly for about 30 seconds until the milk becomes frothy. Pour the frothed milk into your coffee and enjoy.

What is the french word for a milk?


How can I use a French press to froth milk effectively?

To froth milk effectively using a French press, heat the milk until it is warm but not boiling. Pour the warm milk into the French press and pump the plunger up and down rapidly for about 30 seconds until the milk becomes frothy. Pour the frothed milk into your coffee or other beverage and enjoy.

Is it possible to milk a tiger and use the milk in french recipes?

You can definitely try.

How do you say milk on French?

"lait" or "du lait" to mean some milk

What does the French word 'lait' mean?

The word 'lait' means milk. The term also may be used in the French equivalent of 'cleansing cream', which is called 'cleansing milk'. And it may be used in the French equivalent of 'coffee with cream', which is called 'coffee with milk'.

What does milking mean in French?

milk is translated "le lait" (masc.) in French.