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Q: What is the fatty membrane that hangs in the stomach?
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The greater omentum arises from what part of the stomach?

The greater omentum arises from the greater curvature of the stomach. It is a large apron-like structure made of fatty tissue that hangs down over the intestines.

What is the fatty membrane whick hangs like and apron from the inferolateral margin?

The structure you are referring to is the greater omentum. It is a fold of peritoneum that hangs down from the stomach and covers the intestines like an apron. It plays a role in immune response and helps to protect and isolate areas of inflammation in the abdomen.

What membrane is attacted to the lesser curvature of the stomach?

The lesser omentum is the double-layered membrane that is attached to the lesser curvature of the stomach. It connects the stomach and liver, providing support and helping to anchor the stomach in place within the abdominal cavity.

Where is omentum located in the human anatomy?

The omentum is a fold of peritoneum (the membrane lining the abdominal cavity) that drapes over the intestines. There are two types: the greater omentum hangs down from the stomach, while the lesser omentum connects the stomach to the liver.

What portion of the plasma membrane are made up of fatty acids?

Approximately 50% of the plasma membrane is made up of fatty acids, which are essential components of phospholipids forming the lipid bilayer of the membrane. These fatty acids provide the plasma membrane with flexibility and help regulate its fluidity.

What is a fatty acid tail?

a cat with no membrane

What is the function of the fatty acids in the plasma membrane?

Fatty acids in the plasma membrane help provide structure and flexibility to the membrane. They also play a role in cell signaling and transport processes by interacting with membrane proteins and influencing their activity. Additionally, they can affect the fluidity and permeability of the membrane.

How can you lose stomach fatty?

Diet and exercise.

What part of the cell membrane does not with water?

fatty acids

Which part of the membrane prevents organisms from dissolving in water?

Nonpolar fatty acid chains.Non fatty acid chains

How many fatty acid chains does the membrane have?

one million

What cell membrane does not mix with water?

fatty acids (APEX)