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respiration is the process of yainhaling oxygen to the body and provide the cells.

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Q: What is the difference between breathing respiration and ventilation?
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What are the difference between respiration and combustion?

Respiration is a biological process that occurs in living organisms to produce energy, using oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Combustion is a chemical process that involves the rapid oxidation of a material, typically a fuel, with the release of heat and light. Respiration is a controlled process that occurs in cells, while combustion is an uncontrolled process that typically occurs in the presence of a flame or spark.

What is the difference between ventilation and breathing?

Breathing is the process of taking air into and out of the lungs, while ventilation refers to the movement of air in and out of the lungs to facilitate gas exchange. Ventilation involves both breathing (inspiration and expiration) and the distribution of air within the lungs.

What are difference between breathing and respiration?

Both are the Same

What is the difference between external ventilation and internal ventilation?

External respiration, the process by which gases are exchanged between the atmosphere and the pulmonary loop of circulationWhereas,Internal respiration: the is the gaseous exchange between the blood and tissue ( and also cells)

What is the difference between respiration and explain the difference between respiration and breathing?

Respiration is the process of generating energy from food molecules, usually involving the exchange of gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide. Breathing, on the other hand, is the physical act of inhaling and exhaling air to bring oxygen into the lungs and remove carbon dioxide. Breathing is a component of respiration but respiration involves more complex biochemical processes.

what’s the difference between breathing and respiration?

What is the difference between breathing and respiration? Both breathing and respiration are required for all living organisms. Generally, breathing and respiration are often considered the same. However, there is a great difference between these two words. Breathing is a constant process where you breathe in and out constantly through out the day. It is a process of taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. Respiration is a process where the body breaks down the oxygen, so that the cells in the body can use it. It is a part of metabolic process also known as catabolic process of a cellular activity where energy molecule is released while carbon dioxide and water are produced. Breathing is a physical process and respiration is a chemical process. Breathing is a process of taking oxygen into the lungs while respiration is taking the oxygen from the lungs into the blood stream or to the cells.

What is the difference between respiration to fermentation?

Respiration is the process where cells break down glucose in the presence of oxygen to produce energy, while fermentation is the process where cells break down glucose in the absence of oxygen to produce energy. Respiration produces more energy (ATP) compared to fermentation and is more efficient. Fermentation produces byproducts such as lactic acid or ethanol, while respiration produces carbon dioxide and water.

What is the relationship between the processes of breathing and cellular respiration?

Respiration and breathing are the same thing.

What is the scientific word for respiration?

The scientific word for respiration is "pulmonary ventilation." This process involves the exchange of gases, specifically oxygen and carbon dioxide, between an organism and its environment.

What is th difference between aspiration and respiration?

Aspiration is the act of inhaling foreign objects into the airway, which can lead to choking or lung problems. Respiration, on the other hand, is the process where cells in the body use oxygen to produce energy and release carbon dioxide as a waste product.

What is the differances between breathing and respiration?

What is the difference between breathing and respiration? Both breathing and respiration are required for all living organisms. Generally, breathing and respiration are often considered the same. However, there is a great difference between these two words. Breathing is a constant process where you breathe in and out constantly through out the day. It is a process of taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. Respiration is a process where the body breaks down the oxygen, so that the cells in the body can use it. It is a part of metabolic process also known as catabolic process of a cellular activity where energy molecule is released while carbon dioxide and water are produced. Breathing is a physical process and respiration is a chemical process. Breathing is a process of taking oxygen into the lungs while respiration is taking the oxygen from the lungs into the blood stream or to the cells.

What is the difference between respiration and breathing?

What is the difference between breathing and respiration? Both breathing and respiration are required for all living organisms. Generally, breathing and respiration are often considered the same. However, there is a great difference between these two words. Breathing is a constant process where you breathe in and out constantly through out the day. It is a process of taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. Respiration is a process where the body breaks down the oxygen, so that the cells in the body can use it. It is a part of metabolic process also known as catabolic process of a cellular activity where energy molecule is released while carbon dioxide and water are produced. Breathing is a physical process and respiration is a chemical process. Breathing is a process of taking oxygen into the lungs while respiration is taking the oxygen from the lungs into the blood stream or to the cells.