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An eating disorder is a compulsive omission or inclusion with food that manifests itself with the mind of a person. A diet is a temporary omission or inclusion for a specific goal in mind. A diet is a normal thing whereas an eating disorder is not.

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Q: What is the difference between a diet and a eating disorder?
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51 years with eating disorder and high protein?

There is nothing wrong with having a high protein diet....that does not exactly mean someone has an eating disorder. It is also very uncommon to have an eating disorder at such an old age (most instances occur between the ages of 12 and 28). Regardless, anyone with an eating disorder should seek help / treatment immediately and follow a well-balanced and healthy diet.

When you are trying to lose weight on an alcohol diet and coffee diet is that an eating disorder?


How is Anorexia and Bulimia related to unbalanced diet?

I'm not quite sure what you're asking...? Anorexia and/or bulimia can cause an 'unbalanced diet' and lack of nutrients to the body, but you do not simply 'get' and eating disorder from and unbalanced diet. An eating disorder is not just 'not eating' or other eating disorder behaviors, but much more extensive, involving mental and emotional patterns as well as the eating habits. (Or lack thereof. Ha.)

Is eating under 1000 calories per day considered anorexia or an eating disorder?

A 2000 calorie a day diet is normal for the average adult. Anything less nay be trouble depending on the size, weight , height and age of the person. it wouldn't be a eating disorder if a small child ate 1000 calories a day. eating disorder are MENTAL ILLNESSES how much or how little one eats isn't really the disorder. No, just because someone eats less than 1000 calories doesnt mean they have an eating disorder, they could just be on a crash diet. eventually (usually within days or weeks) they will stop no harm done.

What is the new diet; personality type diet about?

The main difference between the personality type diet and others is it asks 60 plus questions to help determine your current eating and exercising habits and how to best change your lifestyle to become healthier.

What is the type of diet to manage the disorder?

what is type of diet to manage the disorder

How did Terri Schiavo have eating disorder?

It was never proven, but blood levels showed that she was extremely malnutritioned. It was told that she was on a sweet tea diet, and that is it. After her accident she was placed on a feeding tube, so at that point, when she could no longer make the decision on her own, she did not have an eating disorder.

What is the difference between eating healthy and unhealthy?

i think eating unhealthy food can make your both weak. Also people might not live longer. And eating healthy food can make your both get well. People can have good diet and can live longer.

Should people with binge eating disorder try to lose weight?

Yes and No. If you do have binge eating disorder and want to lose weight, you should try to eat a stable diet without binging for a couple of weeks before exercising. If you cant do this talk to a doctor.

What are signs to look for in someone with an eating disorder?

someone with an eating disorder may show signs of depression in the more obvious cases but in the more secrative cases the person may have suddenlt lack in self confidence. However an eating disorder may be hidden in ones diet, just because they're eating doesn't mean they're not sick. for exampl they may eat only protein which has no fat but burns quickly in the system. it's better to consult a doctor or counsiler if you suspect an eating disorder. :)

What Should A Belimia person eat?

They should eat a healthy diet. They should be going to a doctors or therapists to help with their eating disorder, too.

Why is belinda so skinny?

Belinda probably either has a high metabolism, has a healthy diet and exercise routine, or may even have an eating disorder.