No, LaToya has stated that Prince Michael might have it.
You can find information on osteoporosis treatment and diet on the following
A common skin disease giving white spots or patches of skin due to loss of pigmentation.
You'd have to check the specific diet pill and its interactions with the specific chlamydia treatment. Talk to your pharmacist for advice specific to your situation.
Unfortunately the only treatment currently avalable is a diet free of wheat,rye,barley, and some oats.
There are a variety of treatment options for ulcerative colitis. Some of these include changes to diet, as well as specialized prescription medications.
The best treatment for hypertension is based on a healthy diet with reduced salt and fat in a healthy daily exercise and drug treatment prescribed by a doctor.
I would think that a low sugar diet is essential for a diabetic diet. Also, veggies especially green ones are good for anyone's diet and are low in fat and calories.
Diet has no proven prevention but treatment of HIV is debatable. Eating nutrient rich foods may help bolster your immune system which would definitely have a positive effect on living longer.
there is no treatment for polioPreventive treatment is vaccination. Once contracted , treatment is limited , mostly physical therapy and diet, in advanced cased, a respirator and tube feedings .
I would suggest you refer to your doctor first because he or she, will be able to provide you with all the information you need on bladder cancer treatment and diet. You can also contact your local healthcare clinic for further information.
There are many treatments. Some treatments are diet based. There are many medications that treat depression. There is also a light treatment. Often the light treatment and the medications are combined.