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The average is 390 calories per day.

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Q: What is the daily average food intake for people in Somalia in calories?
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How much calories does an average person eats a day?

Depends on the person. Our daily intake is supposed to be 2,000 calories a day. But, everyone has different height, weight, age, disabilities, and stress that people tend to take different amount of calories each day.

What is the avarge food intake per day?

The average food intake per day is a little over 2,000 calories for normal people. The answer to this question may vary b/c of the small amount of detail you included.

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Who are native people of Somalia?

the native people of Somalia are ajuuran, according to history, they are preprimary tribe of Somalia

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How does one calculate the intake of calories per hour?

You can calculate the intake of calories per hour by working out the total calories you have eaten in a 60minute time period. This is typically used to compare when you eat during the day for food diaries and by doctors to advise people on weight loss diets.

What is the suggested caloric intake for female teens?

It depends on the teenager. Everyone's bodies are different and some people need more calories than others. But if you want a definit answer the average calorie intake a day is around 1,400 - 2,000 calories. But keep in mind some people need more than that to keep the nutriets they need in their bodies. Don't obsess about calories or food, it's good to count calories but don't obsess. Eat healthy but once in a while it's okay to indulge in that special treat. (Just eat in variations)

How much calories are women meant to take?

Caloric intake is different for different people, based on their age and their metabolism.

What is the Dhagaxtuur monument in Somalia?

It is a monument to commemorate the people who fought for the independence in Somalia.