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Since you are breastfeeding, and two children at that (wow- what ages?), you should know that the feeding itself is helping your body drop the weight from the pregnancy. This along with you running after those two little ones should be diet enough for you if you can manage to eat healthy while you are doing it. Give it a few months, and you will see huge results.

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14y ago

It depends on the individual, but you can usually burn about 500 calories per day just by breastfeeding.

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No. The warning on the box specifically says, "If pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use."

Does rapid weight loss affect pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Rapid weight loss during pregnancy and breastfeeding is never a good idea. You take a chance of robbing your body of necessary nutrients that are impairative to maintaining a healthy baby. Moderate weight loss is o.k. as long as your diet is healthy and balanced.

Where can I find information about breastfeeding and weight loss programs?

There is a direct link between breastfeeding your baby and losing weight after a pregnancy. You can find out more about this on the Web MD website, under Pregnancy.

Does breastfeeding help a new mother achieve weight loss?

Breastfeeding is a fantastic way for a new mother to lose weight. Breastfeeding an infant burns 300-500 calories per day. This is equivalent to running 2-3 miles a day!

How can I find information on the link between breastfeeding and weight loss?

There is a link between breast feeding and weight loss. If you eat the right foods, and you breastfeed, you would lose a lot of the baby weight that you put on.

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Causes include pregnancy or breastfeeding, sudden weight loss or gain, intense exercise, stress.

What is the impact of breastfeeding on a mother's basal metabolic rate (BMR)?

Breastfeeding can increase a mother's basal metabolic rate (BMR) because producing breast milk requires extra energy. This means that breastfeeding mothers may burn more calories than non-breastfeeding mothers, which can help with weight loss.

What is a safe weight loss diet after giving birth?

While looking for a safe weight lossdiet after giving birth, you must consider several factors. Are you breastfeeding? Did you have a c-section? Depending on the answers to these questions, safe weight loss options for some would not apply to everyone. Please consult a professional for weight loss advice.

Where is it possible to find good reviews on the best weight loss programs?

You can find good reviews on the best weight loss programs from Weight Loss Triumph website. Once on the page, click on "Best Weight Loss Programs" in the top navigation menu to bring up reviews of the best weight loss programs.

The connection between breastfeeding and weight loss?

What many women do not understand is that breastfeeding helps them lose weight. This is a chance to really slim down and lose the baby weight fast. Breastfeeding is important for a baby's health. There are antioxidants and important nutrients in this milk. Additionally, a woman's body produces such milk for a reason. Regularly breastfeeding helps the body lose some of this milk and signals that any stored fat is no longer needed for the baby. This is a chance to drop the pounds fast doing something that helps one's child. This is a win-win situation.

Is it healthy for a baby if one were to lose weight while breastfeeding?

It is healthy for a baby if one were to lose weight while breastfeeding because your weight doesn't have anything to do with your breast producing milk.

Where can I find the best two weight loss diet plans?

You can find the best two weight loss diet plans by visiting the Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and you can also go online and search under diet plans to find some weight loss programs.