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Prenatal vitamins. My hair (and nails) grew out of control when I was on them!

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Q: What is the best vitamins to grow your hair?
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How do you grow your hair longer quickly?

The best way to get long hair quickly is to have hair extensions put in. In lieu of that, taking vitamins and eating right is the best way to help hair grow. Specifically, taking biotin or prenatal vitamins are a good idea because they are great for healthy hair growth.

Can you take vitamins to make your hair grow?

Yes, there are some vitamins you can take to make your hair and nails grow faster. I know for a fact if you take prenatal vitamins, your hair will grow really fast.

How long does your hair grow in 1 month using hair vitamins?

When using vitamins, the right type of vitamins, maybe prenatal, your hair will grow a 1/2 inch more than the regular grow. So your hair will grow an average of 1 inch a month, which is 12 in a year.

What vitamins grow hair?

vitamin E

What vitamns are good to grow hair?

vitaminC and vitaminA, are the best vitamins carrot is the best eat 1 carrot every day.

Can hair vitamins help your hair grow faster?

Yes, hair vitamins can help your hair to grow longer, faster. If you are interested in helping your hair grow, try taking protein supplements. Some people even take prenatal vitamins because it helps them feel better, and also helps to keep their hair and nails healthy.

Does your hair grow if you don't drink vitamins at all?


Do pregnancy vitamins help your hair grow?

heck no

How can you grow your hair?

There are many different ways:Buying shampoos to make your hair grow longkeeping it loose and let it grow out without being touched!- DO NOT USE not heat damage your hair, such as- hair straighteners, hairdryer, hairspray, sun etcBut the best way is to eat healthy, type into google 'what vitamins do i need to make my hair healthy and grow long' and it will tell you fruit&veg to buy which has the vitamins to help you grow your hair, also try and not damage your hair with heat products.

Do hair vitamins grow hair?

Yes. Multivitamins and a nutritional diet help to grow long luscious locks!!

What is the best vitamins to make hair grow?

Essential fatty acids, vitamin B, antioxidants, sulphur and zinc are very helpful to promote the growth of hair.

What vitamins grow your hair?

Biotin, vitamin E, or prenatal's.