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Q: What is theAdequate delivery of oxygen and nutrients at the cellular level of the body is called?
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The process by which a cell converts nutrients into energy or materials is called?

Cellular respiration. wrong metabolism

The ability to obtain nutrients take in oxygen and transform these items to energy and cellular components is called .?


Occurs in the mitochondria which organisms take nutrients and oxygen to produce energy?

This process is called oxidative phosphorylation OR cellular respiration

What is the name if the movement of nutrients in the cells?

The movement of nutrients within cells is called intracellular transport. This process involves the movement of molecules and substances within the cell to where they are needed for cellular functions.

What is a large cavity where water and nutrients are stored?

A large cavity where water and nutrients are stored in plants is called a central vacuole. This structure helps maintain turgor pressure, store ions and nutrients, and regulate cellular processes.

The process by which cells get energy from food is called what?

Metabolism is the use of energy by cells. All animals get energy from nutrients through metabolism. Humans an other animals eat food to get energy.

Are nutrients moved around in the circulatory system?

Nutrients do not move along the circulatory system only but they are carried to each cell via extra cellular and extra vascular fluid.( Called interstitial fluid. )

What role does nicotinic acid play in the cellular process called respiration?

Nicotinic acid plays a crucial role in the cellular process called respiration. Aids the taking in of nutrients and oxygen, chemical reactions that produce energy and carbon dioxide and wastes that are given off.

What are the nurses in the delivery room called?

Nurses in the delivery room are called delivery nurses or labor and delivery nurses. They are also sometimes referred to as delivery room nurses.

What part of the cell is responsible for production of energy for cellular processes in humans?

The mitochondria is responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP through a process called cellular respiration in human cells. This organelle converts nutrients into usable energy to power various cellular processes.

What you call soyyikura in English?

Soyyikura ,a telugu word ,is a leafy vegetable like a broom and is called Dill in english.It's high in nutrients and is given after delivery and in pregnancy too.

What is the release of energy inside cells called?

The release of energy inside cells is called cellular respiration. It is a process that converts nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell's primary energy source.