SVG Capital was created in 1996.
SVG Air was created in 1990.
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SVG-edit was created on 2009-02-06.
you go to and there you are. You can download the open-source version !
An .svg file is what is also called a scaleable vector file. Specific notes: SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. Other MIME types that have been seen for this incorrectly include: image/svg image/svg-xml; text/xml-svg; image/vnd.adobe.svg+xml; image/svg-xml Essential code: ascii and the hex: 3c code included. Program i.d.: Adobe.SVGCtl Corel.SVGCtl CorelDRAW.Graphic.11 File classification: Adobe.SVGCtl Corel.SVGCtl CorelDRAW.Graphic.11
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