Only products bearing the name Salvestrol on the label contain salvestrols in therapeutically useful quantities. These have been made from super concentrated salvestrols and are avilable in three concentrations depending on their points value. Salvestrol Wellbeing (100 points) is for general health Salvestrol Shield (350 points) is for cancer prevention Salvestrol Platinum (2000 points) is for cancer therapy
Yes, mandarins and tangerines do contanin Salvestrol Q40. As one of the 50+ phytoalexins known so far, Salvestrol Q40 is only slightly soluble in aqueous solution, therefore, only a very small portion is present in juice and flesh of the fruit. It is the peel of the fruit that contain the majority of Salvestrol Q40. Look for dried tangerine peel in stores in China Town. By the way, the effectiveness of Salvestrol Q40 to kill certain cancer cell has only been verified under lab condition. The only proven medical use of dry tangerine peel is for heeling of coughing.
Salvestrol therapy is an alternative medicine approach that involves consuming fruits and vegetables high in salvestrols to support the body's natural defense mechanisms against diseases, particularly cancer. Salvestrols are plant compounds that are thought to trigger cancer cell apoptosis or programmed cell death. However, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of salvestrol therapy.
Salvestrols are phytochemical compounds found in plants, particularly in fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, and citrus fruits. They are part of the plants' defense system against pathogens and pests. Salvestrols are metabolized in the body to produce compounds that have been proposed to have potential anticancer properties.
A tumor that has spread has metastasized, and is a metastatic tumor. The new sites of tumor growth are called metastases (singular metastasis).The process of metastasis is the process of tumour cells breaking away from the primary tumour and spreading to other parts of the body. The 4 main sites of metastasis are the brain, bones, liver and lungs. Metastatic tumours spread to these organs causing considerable harm to them. The naturopathic approach to controlling metastasis is salvestrol therapy. Anti-metastatic drugs are in clinical trials such asCabozantinib.A tumor that has spread has metastasized, and is a metastatic tumor.