long distance swimming can meAN 2 things 1 you swim for along distance e.e 1500 m (100m=4lengths) 2 you race in a 50 m pool instead of 25mpool
long distance jogging, cycle, swimming
Competive swimming is Splash-and-Dash. That means you go as fast as you can for however long of a distance your coach tells you to.
You become stronger.
distance???? Do you mean how far can a swimming pool travel???
Penny Lee Dean has written: 'Open water swimming' -- subject(s): Long distance swimming
As well as great exercise,you can build stamina and endurance for both long and short events
She would be a good coach as she has a lot of experince in swimming and has a good knowleadge in teaching how to pace your self in long distance swims
1650 yards... it is also a long distance event in swimming.
they are basiaccly the requirements that you can swim for a long distance, for example if you swim in your indoor pool its going to be easier than swimming outside in the sea because of the factors so you have to train harder that you want to. these are the requirements of a long distance swimmer
A type of activity that uses (mainly) your lungs and respiration, eg. long distance running, swimming.
Prepares muscles for short and long distance sets. Like an aerobic warm up before a swim.
Marcelo Teixeira has written: 'Renata Agondi' -- subject(s): Swimmers, Long distance swimming, Biography