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Ingested poisons include foods, alcohol, medication, household and garden items, and certain plants

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Q: What is ingested poisons?
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What are the Ingested poisons?

An ingested poison is a substance that can kill or injury a person if swallowed. Examples of ingested poisons are cyanide, household cleaners like bleach, corrosive chemicals, paint thinners, and poisonous mushrooms.

What are the 2 types of household poisons?

One group is products that were never meant to be ingested or inhaled, the other group contains products that can be ingested in small quantities, but which are harmful if taken in large amounts.

What typr of poisons did romeo use?

A deadly one. It kills within seconds of being ingested. Its exact name isn't specified.

What are the commonly used poisons?

Commonly used poisons include arsenic, cyanide, strychnine, and ricin. These substances are toxic to humans and animals and can cause severe illness or death if ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. It is important to handle these poisons with extreme caution and never use them for harmful purposes.

Are fox gloves poisons?

Yes, foxgloves are poisonous. They contain compounds called cardiac glycosides that can be toxic if ingested. It is important to handle them with care and keep them away from children and pets.

What is a polsonous?

There seems to be a misspelling in your query. Did you mean to ask about "poisons"? If so, poisons are substances that are harmful to living organisms when ingested, inhaled, or otherwise absorbed into the body. They can cause illness, injury, or death depending on the amount and type of poison involved.

What type of poisons should not be thrown up?

Any poison ingested should not be thrown up, simply clean the mouth and call poison center for further advice.

How do Charcoal tablets or capsules to induce vomiting?

They are not given to induce vomiting (although sometimes they do). They are given to adsorb chemical poisons that have been ingested and so prevent them from entering the body.

What poisons were ingested by witches in Salem?

1. There were no witches in Salem 2. They were never accused of/ believed to have ingested poison 3. The only mention of poisoning in Salem literature is the theory that the afflicted got that way from Ergotism, poisoning by eating wheat or rye infected with the fungus Ergot.

Why must emetic given soon after the egg treatment of metal poisoning?

An emetic like ipecac syrup would only be given for orally ingested poisons, metal poisoning from fumes would not benefit. The use of eggs is outdated advice. The only acceptable adsorbant for oral poisons remains activated charcoal slurries.

What is the meaning by which Cleopatra died?

Cleopatra died by some type of poison. The story of a snakebite is pure myth, that even the ancients writers did not believe. The results of modern research say that she died by a mixture of three poisons which were ingested.

What parts of the body do poisons attack?

Depends on the type of toxin, the method of action of the toxin and the amount of toxin ingested. Some poisons can be absorbed through the skin (dermally) as well. Neurotoxins for example, attack the nervous system; this can cause paralysis, and death normally through asphyxiation or heart failure. Others may may target specific organs or organ groups in the body.