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Q: What is cow brain called in food world?
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What is a cow brain called?

A cow brain.

Can you get sick by eating dog food?

yes, in fact it can in some cases be deadly some dog food is made of cow, foods with cow brain are dangerous because of "mad cow disease" this effects the brain and is fatal.

Which is largest cow or brain?

The cow is larger than a cow brain.

When a cow digest its food its called?

Rumination and Digestion.

Who has a smaller brain a horse or cow?

A cow has a smaller brain than the horse.

What is energy stored in food you eat called?

An energy stored in food you eat called pig cow and dogs

What does the brain teaser COW with polka dots on it?

Holy cow.

What was the food called that mad cow disease cows ate?

Contaminated feed.

How a cow thinks?

A cow thinks with its brain just like a human

What is the pot called in which a cow eat its food?

It's called a "manger", or more loosely, a "feeding trough".

Would pancakes be called a producer on the food web?

no because it has milk which comes from a cow

Who inspects food to be Kosher?

Kosker is Armish it is used and also called cow gelitin.