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Complex sugars are also known as complex carbohydrates and there are three or more units of sugar in them. Complex sugars include assimilable polysaccharides, including pasta and potatoes, and non-assimilable polysaccharides that include green vegetables.

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Q: What is complex sugar?
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Is glucose a complex or simple sugar?

Glucose is simple sugar.

Is sugar in fruit a simple or complex carbohydrate?

No, fruit sugar is not a complex carbohydrate. Fructose, or fruit sugar, is one of the three dietary monosaccharides, along with glucose and galactose, that are absorbed directly into the bloodstream during digestion.

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Is sugars a simple or complex carbohydrate?

Sugar by itself is a simple carbohydrate , but when it is in foods like potatoes that are carbs but turn into sugar in your body it is a complex carb.

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The sugar complex of DNA is called deoxyribose. It is a type of sugar molecule that is part of the backbone of the DNA double helix structure.

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Is honey in reality just plain sugar?

No. It is sweet like sugar, but it is a blend of complex components.

What is carbohydrated?

complex carbohydrates are made of hundreds of sugar molecules. Carbohydrates are compounds made of sugar.

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Cellulose has more chemical bonds.

Does a complex carborhydrate have a phosphate group attached to the sugar molecule?

No, complex carbohydrates do not typically have phosphate groups attached to the sugar molecule. Phosphate groups are more commonly found in nucleotides and phospholipids.

What are complex carbohydrates broken down into?

Complex carbohydrates are broken down into simple carbohydrates -- also known as sugar.