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Native elements are a group of minerals with a molecular structure consisting of only one element. Some examples are gold, copper and silver.

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An example of native mineral is?

An example of a native mineral is elemental gold (Au) in its pure form without any combination with other elements.

How do elements occur?

As elements or as compounds For example, copper occurs in its elemntal form (native copper) and as various compounds (copper sulphide, copper sulphate etc)

What are some examples of native elements?

Native elements can be silver or cpper and are made up of one element only.

What does it mean to be bi-literate?

It means that you are fluent (can speak) and literate (can read & write) in your own 'native' language (example; Engish) and another (example; Spanish)

Are gold and silver native elements?

Yes, gold and silver are native elements, which means they can be found in their pure form in nature without being chemically combined with other elements.

What are the periodic elements?

There are a lot of elements over 100. One example is silicon14, another is curlum96. This link should help:http:/

Are gold and copper native elements?


What is the difference between an element and a native element?

An element is a substance made up of one type of atom, while a native element is a naturally occurring pure substance composed of only one type of atom. Native elements are rare and can be found in their pure form in nature, such as gold or diamond.

In what two ways can elements occur nature?

They can occur as either pure substances, for example native gold and sulphur, or combined with other substances in the form of compounds, such as ores.

What kind of elements are halides oxides sulfates sulfides carbonates and native elements?

These are types of chemical compounds. Halides contain halogen elements (e.g. chloride, fluoride), oxides contain oxygen, sulfates contain sulfate ions, sulfides contain sulfide ions, carbonates contain carbonate ions, and native elements are pure forms of elements (e.g. gold, silver).

Where did they get the Greek or Latin meanings of the elements?

Probably the Greek or Latin meanings of the elements came from studying the way the elements behave, or the characteristics the elements possess. For example, helium comes from the Greek 'helios' for 'sun'. Infact, it first was found in the sun. As another example, chlorine comes from the Greek 'chloros', for 'green'. It indeed has a greenish tinge.

What does xenon mean in a kid definition?

Xenon is one of the elements. It is a type of gas (another example of a gas is the oxygen we all breathe). It is inert (whereas, for example, oxygen can combine with hydrogen to form water, xenon does not combine with other elements).