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16 percent to 24 percent

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Q: What is an average healthful percentage of body fat for teenage females?
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A healthful percentage of body fat for teenage females is about what?

11 percent to 16 percent

A healthful percentage of body fat for teenage males?

11 percent to 16 percent

A healthful percentage of body fat for teenage males is about what?

16 to 24 percent acccording to a apexx

What is the healthful percentage of teenage body fat?

The average teenage girl needs to consume a minimum of 1,600 calories a day. For a healthy teenage girl, your body fat percentage would be 21%-30%. Anything below is dangerously unhealthy and anything above is overweight.

Who is more curious teenage males or teenage females?

Usually males

What is the average hand height and width of a teenager in the UK?

The average hand height of a teenage male in the UK is about 7.8 inches (19.8 cm), and for a teenage female, it is around 6.8 inches (17.3 cm). The average hand width for a teenager in the UK is about 3 inches (7.7 cm) for males and 2.6 inches (6.7 cm) for females.

What are teenage horses called?

Male's are called colts, females are filly's

Do more teenage males drink alcohol than teenage females?

Yes they do wen a girl brakes up wit em

Do teenage male drink more alcohol than teenage females?

Yes they do wen a girl brakes up wit em

Who is more at risk of teenage pregnancy?

Females between the ages of 13-19.

What is the average body fat for teenage boys and girls?

The average body fat percentage for teenage boys is around 16-20%, while for teenage girls it is around 22-25%. These percentages can vary depending on factors such as age, genetics, and lifestyle habits. It is important for teenagers to maintain a healthy body fat percentage for overall well-being.

The percentage of teenage depression in US?

About 20% of teens are depressed