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MSG (monosodium glutamate) doesn't need to be replaced. It's official purpose is as a flavoring. It's closest similar flavoring is salt. We are told salt is bad for us and MSG is harmless. Nothing could be further from the truth.

MSG is addictive, causes chemically induced hunger, hyperinsulinemia, hypothyroidism, weight gain. It causes many people to have migraine headaches and photophobia (sensitivity to light).

The best salt to use is Celtic Sea Salt. It still has all of the trace minerals attached. Table salt is pure sodium chloride and isn't very good for us. People report lowering their blood pressure by using Celtic Sea Salt. Most sea salt sold in stores is devitalized.

Eliminating MSG from your diet is a great way to lose weight and improve your health. MSG can be replaced by anything that tastes good. It serves no nutritional purpose whatsoever. Food manufacturers use it to make you prefer their food and eat more of it.

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...sodium chloride..... ...sodium chloride.....

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