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An example of a health weight scale would be the Digital Quantum Scale. This scale does not show your weight. It records your weight the first time you step on it, and from then on only shows how much weight you have gained or lost.

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Q: What is a healthy weight scale?
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Where can you buy a healthy weight scale?

You can buy a healthy weight scale at Bed, Bath and Beyond. You can also buy one at Target. They are an everything-you-need kind of place. Or you can buy a scale online.

How does a height weight scale work?

A height weight scale bases your height and weight in order to get your bmi. your bmi tells your doctor if you are in the healthy weight range or if you need to lose

Weight scale for a 5'2 15 year old girl?

if you're smaller around 105 to 120 is a healthy weight

Why is it dangerous to rely on the scales to determine how healthy your weight is?

Different body types will have a different healthy weight. Once you talk to your doctor about what a healthy weight is for you, a scale can help you determine if you're making progress towards that goal. That being said, what a scale can also do is mislead you. Body weight can vary by a couple of pounds just in water retention, so it's easy to see a couple pounds "fall off" and think that you can take it easy on the diet or exercise today. Tomorrow that weight will be back.

If you r 5'5 and your 13 whats a healthy weight?

Between 120-150lbs 120lbs being the lower scale and 150 being the highest scale, anywhere in between is average.

What is a healthy weight for a 16 year old female 5'5 tall and does martial arts regularly?

The same weight for any athletic girl, around the same height. Use a health book, or google healthy wait scale on google.

Is it safe to use laxatives to lose weight?

No, laxatives are not a healthy way of losing weight. They may help you temporarily drop numbers from your scale but you won't keep that weight off and can become dehydrated and sick.

How did you know you have right weight?

Most of the weight calculations is based on height, others have different formulas in calculating the ideal weight. But experts reveals that the ideal weight depends on which weight level you feel you are more comfortable and healthy. You need to listen to your body's needs so you would know whether you feel healthy or not. The ideal weight is not only focus on the weighing scale.

What do you call a scale that weigh you?

A scale that measures body weight is simply called a "weight scale" or "bathroom scale."

Use BMI to Find Your Healthy Weight?

Many people are concerned about reaching their target weight. However, knowing what exactly is your ideal weight can be difficult to determine. It is not as simple as a feel-good weight, or even how you look in the mirror. A great way to find what your healthy weight should be is by using a Body Mass Index, or BMI calculator. Enter your height, weight, and gender, and then find where you are on the scale. A healthy body weight will fall in the range of 18.5-25. Higher means you are overweight or obese, and lower means you are underweight.

If 2 equal weights are attached to a fish scale on each end so that the full exertion of force from the weight is transferred into the scale would the scale read the weight of 2 weight's worth or one?

The scale would read the weight of one weight. The force exerted by each weight is balanced by the other weight, resulting in a net force of one weight acting on the scale.

What is the laboratory instrument that is a special scale that measures weight?

A spring scale measures weight.