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The type of supplement used to help a horse gain weight will vary from horse to horse as each horse reacts differently to each supplement. You can try adding Alfalfa to the diet, then a high fat low starch pelleted feed. If those don't work try adding rice bran , flax-seed (linseed), or a commercially made weight supplement. Good commercial weight supplements include Weight Builder (Farnam) and many others.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The best thing to feed a horse for weight gain is high quality hay. A leafy fresh hay such as second cutting grass hays should be the bulk of the diet. You can then add in a few pounds of good quality alfalfa hay.

If the horse does not gain weight after several weeks of this diet then you can add in a weight builder or a high fat supplement.

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Q: What is a good supplement to gain weight for horses?
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We should find out good nutritionists for Weight Gain. According to my knowledge, you can get good nutritionists for Weight Gain at Dietitian Fit & Co. They are committed to continuous improvement to deliver service of the highest quality.

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lots of regular and committed exercise is the best supplement to lose weight and it works better than anything and its good for u too and a good healthy diet that doesn't starve u is a good catalyst for weight loss

What do you take with protein to build muscle?

What To Eat To Gain Weight And Build Muscle Are you underweight and don’t know what to eat to gain weight? Millions of dollars are spent each year on magazines, books, and weight gain supplements. Gaining weight does not happen overnight and requires a commitment from you, but does not have to be hard if you work out and eat the proper foods in large enough amounts. Numerous people are continually searching for the fastest ways to gain weight and don’t know what to eat. If you truly want to learn what to eat to gain weight and maintain it, a diet rich in calories and protein combined with a regular weight-training regimen will help you accomplish your goals. If you are looking for the best weight gain supplement for you, take into account your diet and exercise routine before making a decision. Weight gain supplements can be very beneficial when used in conjunction with the proper diet and weight training routine. The major part of your calorie and protein consumption should come from the foods you eat. Substituting a weight gain supplement for a meal is never a good idea. Your body needs the natural nutrients found in lean meats, poultry, fish, vegetables, and carbohydrates. Weight gain supplements can be used effectively as a weight gain aid when they are used to supplement your diet, not replace part of it. A diet consisting of large amounts of protein, fats, carbs, and high in calories is essential to any weight gaining effort aided by weight gain supplements. Training with weights is necessary if you want to build new muscle tissue, and a weight gain supplement can be used after a workout, in between meals, or as a snack but should never replace a meal. Protein is a major component of any diet designed to add body weight. Lean red meats, fish, poultry, and eggs are excellent sources of protein. Several small meals per day containing large amounts of protein are crucial to your weight gaining effort. The question of what to eat to gain weight is not as complicated as some believe. >>> Along with plenty of protein, fats and carbohydrates are a big part of any weight gaining diet. By avoiding sweets and empty calories, you will give your body the fuel it needs to add body mass and build new muscle tissue through the nutritious foods you eat at regular intervals during the day. If you are finding it difficult to stick to a weight gain diet, try eating five or six smaller meals per day instead of three large ones. Keep in mind that a piece of chicken and a baked potato is always better than a shake, bar, or pill. If you should decide to use a weight gain supplement, make certain you consume adequate amounts of food each day in addition to the supplement. Weight gain supplements can give you added protein and calories and may be especially helpful if used immediately following weight training. Always be certain your diet contains all the required elements and use weight gain supplements wisely. Learning what to eat to gain weight is a relatively simple task. Increase your calorie intake and make certain you are eating healthy, protein rich foods. This combined with weight training and plenty of rest should allow your body to bulk up effectively and help you maintain your new body shape.

Is there anything good about unhealthy foods?

Not unless you want to gain weight.

What is good about losing weight?

you gain confidence. Your much skinnier. and you can get Laid.