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As a nutritionist, I would have to say that there is no substitute for the amazing potato which contains all of the known vitamins and minerals needed for proper human nutrition. I believe it would be foolish to eliminate potatoes from one's diet.

Most carbs like potatoes, beans, spinach, broccoli and other vegetables should make up the bulk of your diet as a human. The distinction is that carbs with a high fiber content are the best foods for humans and low fiber content carbs are the worst foods for humans. From this you should deduce that fiber is very important for human nutritional needs.

The carbs you want to eliminate should be flour products, sugar, grains and such. Potatoes are tested, tried and true as a cornerstone of good nutrition. I estimate that I personally eat at least a half pound of potatoes every day on average, at least.

I enjoy them baked with butter and what ever and fried in coconut oil. I am 60 years old, 6 feet tall and weigh 184 lbs. I am healthy as a horse and very active with a high energy life. I give potatoes a lot of credit for my health and happiness.

Grains, great for cows with four stomachs, are not good foods for humans, especially when compared to potatoes.

Always experiment with foods, never take someone's word as a final authority.

I know what I know because my body tells me so. Ever see the movie "Super Size Me"? A man ate nothing but McDonalds for 30 days. He did it the right way.

Potatoes are Boss! They are one of the few single foods one could survive on and even thrive on.... Beans and potatoes make up the staple diet of millions of traditional people all over the planet. There are very good scientific reasons for this.

Just be scientific and experiment. If you need more info about healthful diet please feel free to contact me at


Byron Jordan

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12y ago
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Q: What is a good substitute for potatoes in a low carbohydrate diet?
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The best diet for Joy to follow is a low carbohydrate diet. She should concentrate on eating protein at every meal. She should avoid high carbohydrate items such as, pasta, potatoes, and anything with sugar.

Why are potatoes a good source of carbohydrates?

Potatoes are a good source of carbohydrate because they contain starch.

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Rice is a good substitute

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Not really. Potatoes are loaded with starch and carbohydrates.

What should one eat when on a low carbohydrate diet?

Okay few tips for u that is going for a carbohydrate diet. Try to eat alot of vegetables and meat. An good portion should be look like a normal portion with out potatoes pasta and other food that contains alot of carbohydrate. Drink only water couse many other drinks contain alot of carbonhydrates.

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The best Atkins diet to follow is strictly no carbohydrate. A good rule of thumb is that if a food is light in color then it has a lot of carbs in it. You should eat a lot of red meat and stay away from potatoes and noodles.

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