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Q: What is a good source of simple carbohydrate?
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What is a source of simple carbohydrate?


What is source of simple carbohydrate?


What simple carbohydrate is present in the blood?

Glucose is the simple carbohydrate present in the blood. It serves as the primary source of energy for the body's cells.

Why are potatoes a good source of carbohydrates?

Potatoes are a good source of carbohydrate because they contain starch.

What is a simple carbohydrate that serves as a major source of energy for what if your body is?

Glucose. (usually with galacose)

What is the common form of carbohydrate?

glucose is the common form of simple sugar

Is monosaccharide complex carbohydrate or simple carbohydrate?

Monosaccharide is a simple carbohydrate.

What is the Carbohydrate end product of photosynthesis?

The end product of photosynthesis is glucose, which is a carbohydrate. Glucose is a simple sugar that plants use as a source of energy for growth and development.

Is oatmeal a complex carbohydrate?

Yes, oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate. It is typically used by athletes of all kinds for a great source of slow burning carbohydrates. However, this applies to oatmeal that is sugar free, being that sugar is a simple carbohydrate, oatmeal with sugar is both a simple and complex carbohydrate. Hope this helps :)

Does orange contain protein?

An orange is not a significant source of protein nor is it a source of fat. It is rich in fructose, a simple carbohydrate. It provides vitamins and minerals.

Why do you eat glucose?

Glucose is a simple sugar, cells use it as their main source of energy. It is an important carbohydrate in biology.

Is an egg a simple or a complex carbohydrate?

Eggs would be a complex carbohydrate.