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Q: What is Koncing Nut?
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What are konicing nut harmful side effects?

There is no such thing as a koncing nut. It is a fiction "supplement" put on the label of some diet drugs in order to be able to sell them in the USA. It is probably a type of prescription weight loss medication.

Is a punch nut a locking nut?

A punch nut is not a locking nut

What do you call the nut that is used to keep another nut from un-threading?

A nut that is used to secure another nut is called a jam nut.

What are the differences between a jam nut and a hex nut, and when would you choose to use one over the other?

A jam nut is a thinner nut that is used to secure another nut in place, while a hex nut is a standard nut with six sides. A jam nut is typically used when there is limited space or when a nut needs to be locked in place. A hex nut is used in most general applications where a standard nut is required.

What is the smallest edible nut?

Soy is actually the smallest edible nut. The largest edible nut in the entire world that is edible is the cocoa nut.

How is a nut made?

A macadamia nut is grew from a Australian tree. or nut can be made when a men and women hump they produce nut

What is Montana's State Nut?

The State Nut of Montana is the pine nut.

What is the smallest nut?

Soy is actually the smallest edible nut. The largest edible nut in the entire world that is edible is the cocoa nut.

Your socket is stuck on the lug nut?

Unscrew the socket and nut, use a punch to tap the nut out of the socket. Replace with a new nut.

Is it necessary to use a jam nut of equal strength to the main nut since the main nut is taking the load and the jam nut is only preventing the main nut from turning?

any nut that fits will do, but one the same is better

Are peaches a tree nut?

It is considered a tree nut by most allergists, but it is not an actual nut.

Why is hazel nut the official state nut?

It isn't. The Pecan is the Alabama Official Nut.