An example is scurvy, which is caused by not getting enough Vitamin C. The first sign of scurvy is sores in the corners of your mouth. The disease progresses and you could die if you don't get more Vitamin C.
Vitamin deficiency
you can get sick because your body needs all the vitamins and minarals it can get.
they could get some dangerous diseases that it caused of the lack of very important vitamins that your body needs
You will get/be very sleepy would lack necessary vitamins in you body which would lead you to have to take a supplement daily.
It depends on the vitamins and dosage.
The disease in which we have lack of vitamins proteins
If you lack of different vitamins they help you protect against different diseases and you,ll never get sick! that is the use of vitamins
kwashioskor is lack of what vitamins?
vitamins and supplement
anemia or lack of vitamins in the body. It could also be due to a lack of sleep.
Vitamins are a component/building block for most of the actions that take place inside the body on a chemical level. A severe lack of vitamins in a diet can cause many effect in humans. Examples of the effect areneurological dysfunctionimmune dysfunctionscurvyricketseyesight problemslost of appetitevomitingberiberideath
It develops symptoms of deficiency of that particular vitamin as an ailment.