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Most things fried are very bad for you, you'll probably get unhealthy cholesterol levels and stuff if you eat fried meat daily and stuff.

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Q: What happens when you eat too much fried meat?
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Is it healthy to eat meat?

YES AND NO. Meat has a lot of fat and calories, and is fatty! But also, it helps your protein level. So eat meat but not to much. Also meat is OK for you when you eat it baked, but deep fried is not so good for you.

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You get diarrhea

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they mostly eat pupusas, but i have heard that they eat fried yuca, grilled meat, tamales, turkey bread, empanadas, beans cheese and cream. that pretty much it.

How do YOU America eat fried chicken?

grab the leg and eat all of the meat off of it to clean the bone completely

What happen when you eat fried food?

When you eat fried food nothing happens to you. But if you are in the Yorkshire area of County Durham. Example, Scarborough you sometimes get diarrhea.

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it will get fried and be ready to eat

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How do you eat a snake?

Pretty much the way you would eat anything. You cook it up and eat it. I've roasted rattlesnake over an open fire. It can be stewed, fried, baked and roasted just like any other meat.

What happens if you eat ten plates of meat in one sitting?

depends on how big the plate is and how much meat is on each. Generally, if you eat too much meat at one time, you'll get what are known as "meat sweats." You'll break out in to a cold sweat, possibly turn green, and not feel very good for a couple hours

Why is it bad for you to not eat red meat margarine and fried foods if you have hyperlipidemia?

Red meat and fried foods are high in saturated fat and cholesterol and are not good for someone who has a high cholesterol problem. The medical term for high cholesterol is Hyperlipidemia.

Why is it bad for you to eat red meat margarine and fried foods if you have hyperlipidemia?

Hyperlipidemia is a medical term that means high cholesterol. Foods that are high in cholesterol and fat content because who have to be able to keep a balance of how much fat you take in. Red meat, margarine, and fried foods are all high saturated fats and are not good for you.

Why dont vegetarians get coronary heart disease?

Vegetarians can get coronary heart disease. It may happen less, though, as much heart disease is called from eating overly fried or fatty foods. Much of this comes in the form of meat or fried meats, which a vegetarian would not eat. But it is still possible.