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They gain weight.

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Q: What happens when a person takes in more food energy than his or her needs?
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What happens when a person takes in more food energy than his or her body needs?

When a person consumes more food energy than their body needs, the excess calories are stored as fat for future use. Over time, this can lead to weight gain and potentially obesity if the excess intake continues.

What happens when a person takes in more food energy then his body needs?

they either get EXTREAMLY hyper, they vomit, or they may just get fat

What happens when a person takes in less food energy than his or her body needs?

Your body becomes less energetic and doesn't function

What happens if a person takes in more calories than the body uses?

The body stores the extra energy in the form of sugar and fat.

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the same thing that a person without ADD would have... If you really want to understand why that is, check out "difference between ADD and OCD"

What happens when the body uses more energy then the calories it takes in?

Weight loss

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Muscles stretch, and it takes energy (? fat) to grow.

What happens when the body uses more energy then calories it takes in will produce?

Weight loss

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Because the plant needs the leaves to absorb sunlight and turn it into energy, it takes a lot of energy to produce the fruit, so it needs a lot of leaves to produce that energy.

What happens to air that your body does not need?

Your body takes what it needs and then the rest gets exhaled out and goes into the atmosphere.