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The body starts to acumulate energy like fat. So, the result is a overweight from the increase of fat tissue.

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Q: What happens to body weight if energy expenditure is less then energy intake?
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What happens if energy intake is less than energy expenditure?

weight loss.

What is the Relationship between energy intake energy expenditure and weight.?

Weight is determined by the balance between energy intake and energy expenditure. When energy intake exceeds expenditure, the excess energy is stored as fat, leading to weight gain. On the other hand, if energy expenditure exceeds intake, the body uses stored energy reserves, resulting in weight loss. Maintaining a balance between energy intake and expenditure is crucial for weight management.

What happens to body weight if energy expenditure is intake equal?

Body weight decrease if energy intake and expecture is the same due to the internal body metabolism .

What the key to maintaining a healthy weight?

Balancing energy intake and expenditure.

What is the key maintaining a healthy weight?

Balancing energy intake and expenditure.

What is the key to maintain to a healthy weight?

Balancing energy intake and expenditure.

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Energy intake < energy expenditure = weight loss.

Can a nose piercing cause weight gain?

No. The cause of weight gain is an excess in calorie intake compared with energy expenditure.

What happens when energy intake exceeds the body's energy needs?


What causes positive energy balance and what are the effects of positive energy balance?

Positive energy balance is when energy intake exceeds expenditure weight is gained

What is energy balanced?

Energy balance can be described by this equation : Energy intake = internal heat produced + external work + energy stored.

What happens to energy in the body if it is not used up?

Unused energy in the body is stored for later use as fat. If the energy remains unused, it can lead to weight gain and other health issues. It is important to balance energy intake with energy expenditure to maintain a healthy weight and overall well-being.